Hansel & Gretel Get Baked 2013

Comedy Horror

A brother and sister battle a witch who lures teenagers into her suburban home with her special blend of marijuana where she then proceeds to kill and eat them to maintain her youth and beauty.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Hansel & Gretel Get Baked Hansel & Gretel Get Baked
  • BR: João, Maria e a Bruxa Da Floresta Negra João, Maria e a Bruxa Da Floresta Negra
  • DE: Hänsel und Gretel - Black Forest Hänsel und Gretel - Black Forest
  • IT: Hansel e Gretel e la strega della foresta nera Hansel e Gretel e la strega della foresta nera
  • LT: Hansas ir Grete narkotiku liune Hansas ir Grete narkotiku liune
  • RU: Темный лес: Ганс, Грета и 420-я ведьма Темный лес: Ганс, Грета и 420-я ведьма
  • ES: Hansel & Gretel: La bruja del bosque negro Hansel & Gretel: La bruja del bosque negro
  • UA: Grimm Tales Grimm Tales
  • US: Hansel and Gretel & the 420 Witch Hansel and Gretel & the 420 Witch
Data di rilascio 19 Feb 2013
Link IMDb
