Cambia paese e lingua
American Samoa
Antigua and Barbuda
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bouvet Island
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Brunei Darussalam
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Christmas Island
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Congo, Republic of the
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
East Timor
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
European Union
Falkland Islands
Faroe Islands
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
France, Metropolitan
French Guiana
French Polynesia
French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Holy See (Vatican City)
Hong Kong
Man, Isle of
Marshall Islands
Micronesia, Federated States of
Netherlands Antilles
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Norfolk Island
North Korea
Northern Mariana Islands
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Puerto Rico
Saint Helena
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
São Tomé and Príncipe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Korea
Sri Lanka
The Bahamas
The Gambia
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Virgin Islands
Wallis and Futuna
Western Sahara
Riportare alle condizioni originali
Txe Arana
Anna Guitart
as Herself - Reporter / ...
Jaume Figueras
as Himself
mostra tutti i 1160 attori
Jofre Font
as Himself - Reporter / ...
Júlia Bertran
as Herself - Reporter
Laura Sangrà
as Herself - Reporter / ...
Pau Benavent
as Himself - Reporter
Toni Puntí
as Himself - Reporter
Maria Josep Soler
as Herself - Reporter
Lluís Marquina
as Himself - Reporter
Adrià Pujol Cruells
as Himself - Interviewee
Laura Aubert
as Herself - Interviewee
Paula Bonet
as Herself / ...
Oriol Broggi
as Himself - Interviewee / ...
Joan Colomo
as Himself
Franc Aleu
as Himself / ...
Juliette Binoche
as Herself - Interviewee
Maria Bohigas
as Herself - Interviewee
Jenn Díaz
as Herself - Interviewee
Julio Manrique
as Himself - Interviewee
Pau Vallvé
as Himself
David Verdaguer
as Himself - Interviewee
Manel Barceló
as Himself
Lloll Bertran
as Herself - Interviewee
Artur Gaya
as Himself
Núria Graham
as Herself
Marc Moreno
as Himself
Clara Segura
as Herself - Interviewee
Tuixén Benet
as Herself
Cristina Castaño
as Herself - Interviewee
Albert Serra
as Himself - Interviewee
Nahuel Pérez Biscayart
as Himself - Interviewee
Carla Simón
as Herself - Interviewee
Olivier Assayas
as Himself - Interviewee
Sergi Belbel
as Himself - Interviewee
David Carabén
as Himself / ...
Laia Costa
as Herself - Interviewee
Bruna Cusí
as Herself - Interviewee
Álex de la Iglesia
as Himself - Interviewee
David Espinosa
as Himself / ...
Pere Faura
as Himself - Interviewee
Alfons Flores
as Himself / ...
Paul Fuster
as Himself / ...
Toni Gomila
as Himself / ...
Kornél Mundruczó
as Himself / ...
Joan Miquel Oliver
as Himself / ...
Oriol Pla
as Himself - Interviewee
Josep Maria Pou
as Himself - Interviewee
Marina Rossell
as Herself - Interviewee
Enrique Vila-Matas
as Himself / ...
Xavier Albertí
as Himself - Interviewee
Sílvia Alcàntara
as Herself
Montse Amenós
as Herself
Jaume Arnella
as Himself / ...
Sebastià Bennassar
as Himself / ...
Miguel Ángel Blanca
as Himself
Antonio Chavarrías
as Himself - Interviewee
Isabel Coixet
as Herself - Interviewee
Inma Cuesta
as Herself - Interviewee
Oriol Esquerda
as Himself
Jordi Fosas
as Himself
as Himself - Interviewee
Manu Guix
as Himself
Marco Mezquida
as Himself
Nora Navas
as Herself - Interviewee
Bel Olid
as Herself
Joaquín Oristrell
as Himself - Interviewee
Marta Puig
as Herself
Sandra Pujol
as Herself
Magda Puyo
as Herself
Marcel Sabaté
as Himself
Xavier Teixidó
as Himself
Giulia Valle
as Herself
Francesc Viladiu
as Himself
Mira Vilasís
as Herself
Miquel Adam
as Himself
Marc Artigau
as Himself
Joan Carreras
as Himself
Marcel Casablanca
as Himself
Jordi Clos
as Himself
Javier Cámara
as Himself - Interviewee
Ricardo Darín
as Himself - Interviewee
Josep Maria Flotats
as Himself - Interviewee
Cesc Gay
as Himself - Interviewee
Martí Gironell
as Himself
Julià Guillamon
as Himself
Àngel Llàcer
as Himself - Interviewee
Gerard Marco
as Himself
Marc Martínez
as Himself
Rafel Nadal
as Himself
Arnau Puig
as Himself
as Himself - Interviewee
Àlex Rigola
as Himself - Interviewee
Albert Sánchez Piñol
as Himself
Ramon Vila
as Himself - Interviewee
Anna Maria Villalonga
as Herself
Joan Yago
as Himself
Laia Abril
as Herself - Interviewee
Belén Atienza
as Herself
Pilar Aymerich
as Herself / ...
Lolita Bosch
as Herself - Interviewee
Tena Busquets
as Herself / ...
Roc Casagran
as Himself - Interviewee
Marc Crehuet
as Himself / ...
Joe Crepúsculo
as Himself / ...
as Himself - Interviewee
as Herself - Interviewee
as Herself - Interviewee
Jordi Molina
as Himself
Borja Penalba
as Himself - Interviewee
Isabel Sucunza
as Herself / ...
as Herself - Interviewee
Muriel Villanueva
as Herself / ...
Mireia Vives
as Herself / ...
Sam Abrams
as Himself
Alfred Arola
as Himself
Lola Badia
as Herself
Clàudia Benito
as Herself
Alex Brendemühl
as Himself - Interviewee
Enrique Bunbury
as Himself
Enric Casasses
as Himself
Laia Estruch
as Herself
Richard Ford
as Himself
Jordi Fàbregas
as Himself
Llàtzer Garcia
as Himself
Daniel Grao
as Himself - Interviewee
Antoni Guiral
as Himself
Michelle Jenner
as Herself - Interviewee
Lluïsa Julià
as Herself
Jordi Marrugat
as Himself / ...
Marcos Ordóñez
as Himself - Interviewee
Francesc Orella
as Himself - Interviewee
Miqui Otero
as Himself
Lluís Pasqual
as Himself
Mont Plans
as Herself
James Rhodes
as Himself
Marc Romera
as Himself / ...
Màrius Serra
as Himself / ...
Joana Serrat
as Herself
as Himself
Blanca Llum Vidal
as Herself - Interviewee
Carlos Zanón
as Himself
Mercè Arànega
as Herself - Interviewee
Jaume Cabré
as Himself - Interviewee
Laura Ferrés
as Herself - Interviewee
Joan Fontcuberta
as Himself / ...
as Himself - Interviewee
Marta Gili
as Herself - Interviewee
Joana Gomila
as Herself - Interviewee
Manuel Guerrero
as Himself - Interviewee
Adèle Haenel
as Herself - Interviewee
Pablo Martín Sánchez
as Himself / ...
Elena Martín
as Herself - Interviewee
Àlex Monner
as Himself - Interviewee
Jonás Trueba
as Himself - Interviewee
Ruben Östlund
as Himself - Interviewee
Montserrat Abelló
as Herself
Oriol Aguilà
as Himself
as Herself - Interviewee
Alexandre Aja
as Himself
Xavier Alamany
as Himself
Laia Alberch
as Herself
Guillem Albà
as Himself
Josep Maria Alcover
as Himself
Melissa Aldana
as Herself
Celeste Alias
as Herself
Oihana Altube
as Herself
Christian Alzmann
as Himself
Kiko Amat
as Himself
Alejandro Amenábar
as Himself - Interviewee
Ana Lily Amirpour
as Herself
Martin Amis
as Himself
Martí Ansón
as Himself
Javier Aparicio Maydeu
as Himself
Wences Aparicio
as Himself
Xarim Aresté
as Himself
J.M. Argemí
as Himself
Joan Asensio
as Himself
Elisabet Augé
as Herself
Pol Aumedes
as Himself
Montse Ayats
as Herself
Lali Ayguadé
as Herself
Héctor Ayuso
as Himself
Montse Badia
as Herself
Marcel Bagés
as Himself
Rick Baker
as Himself
Jordi Balló
as Himself
Antonio Banderas
as Himself - Interviewee
Maria Barbal
as Herself
Joan Barbé
as Himself
Ferran Barenblit
as Himself
Enrique Barro
as Himself
Harold Berg
as Himself
Valeria Bergalli
as Herself
Margherita Bergamo
as Herself
Antoni Bernad
as Himself
Tanya Beyeler
as Herself
Ramon Bigas
as Himself
as Himself
Emily Blunt
as Herself - Interviewee
Lluís Boada
as Himself
Alfons Borrell
as Himself
Glòria Bosch
as Herself
Genís Bou
as Himself
Xavi Bové
as Himself
Olivia Breleur
as Herself
Lionel Bringuier
as Himself
Josep Maria Busquets
as Himself
Miquel Cabal
as Himself
Guillem Caballero
as Himself
Sergio Caballero
as Himself
Josep Maria Cadena
as Himself
Lluís Calderer
as Himself
Aina Calpe
as Herself
Enric Calpena
as Himself
Oriol Calvo
as Himself
Enric Cambray
as Himself
Manel Camp
as Himself
Aïda Camprubí
as Herself
Marta Capel
as Herself
Carla Carbonell
as Herself
Emmanuel Carrère
as Himself
Montserrat Carulla
as Herself - Interviewee
Felipe Carvalho
as Himself
Jordi Casanovas
as Himself
Vincent Cassel
as Himself - Interviewee
Ada Castells
as Herself
Lluc Castells
as Himself
Marc Castellví
as Himself
Bernat Castillejo
as Himself
Anna Cerdà
as Herself
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
as Himself
as Himself
Damià del Clot
as Himself
DJ Coco
as Himself
Mar Coll
as Herself - Interviewee
Imma Colomer
as Herself - Interviewee
Vicenç Colomer
as Himself
Míriam Compte
as Herself
Josep Maria Contel
as Himself
José Corbacho
as Himself - Interviewee
Irene Cordón
as Herself
Jose Coronado
as Himself - Interviewee
Eduard Costa
as Himself
Jordi Costa
as Himself - Interviewee
Carme Cruañas
as Herself
Roser Cruells
as Herself
Juan Cruz
as Himself
Lluís Danés
as Himself
Ernesto Daranas
as Himself
Rubén de Eguia
as Himself - Interviewee
Xavier de Luca
as Himself
Natalia de Molina
as Herself - Interviewee
Antonio Dechent
as Himself - Interviewee
as Himself - Interviewee
Juan Miguel del Castillo
as Himself
Benicio Del Toro
as Himself - Interviewee
Norma Deseke
as Herself
Leticia Dolera
as Herself - Interviewee
Mariana Draper
as Herself
Patrick Du Wurs
as Himself
Jordi Duran
as Himself
Josep Maria Dutrèn
as Himself
Carles Dénia
as Himself
Joan Díaz
as Himself
Joaquín Díez-Gascón
as Himself
Sergi Egea
as Himself
Najat El Hachmi
as Herself
Niño de Elche
as Himself - Interviewee
Manel Esclusa
as Himself
Miki Esparbé
as Himself - Interviewee
as Herself
Arturo Estrada
as Himself
Luke Evans
as Himself - Interviewee
Ricky Falkner
as Himself
Natza Farré
as Herself
Xavi Farré
as Himself
Adriana Feito
as Herself
David Fernàndez
as Himself
Cristina Fernández Cubas
as Herself
Bea Fernández
as Herself
Eva Fernández
as Herself
Gracia Fernández
as Herself
Marc Fernández
as Himself
Pep Ferrer
as Himself - Interivewee
Jordi Figueras
as Himself
Aida Folch
as Herself - Interviewee
Pepe Font de Mora
as Himself
Josep Maria Forn
as Himself
Toni Fort
as Himself
Raimon Fransoy
as Himself
Jordi Fusté
as Himself
Juan David Galindo
as Himself
Miguel Gallardo
as Himself
Andreu Garcia
as Himself
Yannick Garcia
as Himself
Judit García
as Herself
Inés García-Albi
as Herself
Montserrat Garrich
as Herself
Matteo Garrone
as Himself - Interviewee
Santiago José Gascón
as Himself
Lluís Gavaldà
as Himself
Simona Gavioli
as Herself
Mariona Gens
as Herself
Ariadna Gil
as Herself
Alicia Giménez Bartlett
as Herself
Àlex Giménez
as Himself
Pablo Gisbert
as Himself
Mònica Glaenzel
as Herself
Iván González
as Himself
Pablo González
as Himself
Txus González
as Himself
Ainhoa Grandes
as Herself
Almudena Grandes
as Herself
as Himself
Óscar Guayabero
as Himself
Aixa Guerra
as Herself
José Luis Guerín
as Himself - Interviewee
Hélène Guichard
as Herself
Maria Guinovart
as Herself
Xavier Guitó
as Himself
Ferran Guiu
as Himself
Juli Guiu
as Himself
Quim Gutiérrez
as Himself - Interviewee
Maricarmen Gómez Muntané
as Herself
Andrea Gómez
as Herself
Sarah Hardy
as Herself
Thomas Hauert
as Himself
Salma Hayek
as Herself - Interviewee
Alfonso Herrera
as Himself
Luis Hidalgo
as Himself
Tom Hiddleston
as Himself - Interviewee
Anna Hierro
as Herself
Michel Houellebecq
as Himself
Summer Hubbard
as Herself
Enric Jardí
as Himself
Andreu Jaume
as Himself
Vladimir Jurowski
as Himself
Hara Kraan
as Herself
Catherine Kramer
as Herself
Blanca Lamar
as Herself
Yorgos Lanthimos
as Himself - Interviewee
Jérôme Lefaure
as Himself
as Herself - Interviewee
Andrés Lima
as Himself - Interviewee
as Himself
Rosa Lleó
as Herself
Marc Lloret
as Himself
Sodja Lokter
as Herself
Diego Lorca
as Himself
Hèctor López Bofill
as Himself
Javier López
as Himself
Maria López
as Herself
Sergi López
as Himself - Interviewee
Helen Macdonald
as Herself
Oriol Malet
as Himself
Albert Mallol
as Himself
Carles Mallol
as Himself
as Himself
Carlos Martorell
as Himself
Fernando Martínez García
as Himself
Rut Martínez
as Herself
Xavier Martínez
as Himself
Roger Mas
as Himself
Víctor Masferrer
as Himself
Blaï Mateu
as Himself
Agnès Mateus
as Herself
Mariola Membrives
as Herself
Javiera Mena
as Herself
Eduardo Mendoza
as Himself
David Mengual
as Himself
Pako Merino
as Himself
Albert Mestres
as Himself
as Himself
Gal-La Miserachs
as Herself
Valentí Miserachs
as Himself
Jordi Mitjà
as Himself
J.R. Moehringer
as Himself
Santi Moix
as Himself
Xavier Molero
as Himself
Ángel Molina
as Himself
Josep Moliner
as Himself
Enric Montefusco
as Himself
Josep Montero
as Himself
Jana Montllor
as Herself
Valentino Montoya
as Himself
Imma Mora
as Herself
Juan Mora
as Himself
Iván Morales
as Himself - Interviewee
as Herself
Marcos Morau
as Himself
Viggo Mortensen
as Himself - Interviewee
R. Marcos Mota
as Himself
Ivan Muench
as Himself
Mònica Muntaner
as Herself
Xevi Muntané
as Himself
Juan Naranjo
as Himself
Didi Negron
as Herself
Odd Nerdrum
as Himself
Borja Núñez
as Himself
Álvaro Ogalla
as Himself - Interviewee
Roberto Oliván
as Himself
Alfons Olmo
as Himself
Tim Olsen
as Himself
Albert Om
as Himself - Interviewee
Kazushi Ono
as Himself
Dani de la Orden
as Himself - Interviewee
as Himself - Interviewee
Paula Ortiz
as Herself - Interviewee
Aida Oset
as Herself
Manuel Outomuro
as Himself
as Herself
as Herself
Anna Pahissa
as Herself
Carles Palacio
as Himself
Enric Palau
as Himself
Ferran Palau
as Himself
Alejandro Palomas
as Himself
Anna Palomera
as Herself
Francesc Parcerisas
as Himself
Román Parrado
as Himself
Xavier Pascual
as Himself
David Pastor
as Himself
as Herself - Interviewee
Josep Pedrals
as Himself - Interviewee
Toni Perna
as Himself
Pablo Persico
as Himself
Pere Peña
as Himself
Eliane Phelan
as Herself
Helena Pielias
as Herself
Jaume Pitarch
as Himself
Marc Piñol
as Himself
Rosa Maria Piñol
as Herself
Marc Pociello
as Himself
Tortell Poltrona
as Himself
Jaume C. Pons Alorda
as Himself
Fèlix Pons
as Himself
Sergi Pons
as Himself
Ferran Pontón
as Himself
Alexandre Porcel
as Himself
as Herself - Interviewee
Àlex Portolés
as Himself
Dani Poveda
as Himself
as Himself - Interviewee
Joan Priego
as Himself
Albert Puig
as Himself
Lluís Puig
as Himself
Xavier Puig
as Himself
Bibiana Puigdefàbregas
as Herself
Lídia Pujol
as Herself - Interviewee
Adrià Puntí
as Himself
Ilya Pérdigo
as Himself
Aimar Pérez Galí
as Himself
Xavier Pérez
as Himself
Yolanda Ramos
as Herself - Interviewee
as Himself - Interviewee
Antonio Requena
as Himself
Laia Ribas
as Herself
Libertad Ribera
as Herself
Amèlia Riera
as Herself
Jan Riera
as Himself
Zaky Al Rifai
as Himself
Maria Ripoll
as Herself - Interviewee
Fina Rius
as Herself
Ricard Robles
as Himself
Ariadna Rodríguez
as Herself
Montse Rodríguez
as Herself
Miquel Rojo
as Himself
Marina Roman
as Herself
Martí Romances
as Himself
Txema Romero
as Himself
Jaime Rosales
as Himself - Interviewee
Roger Rosich
as Himself
Carla Rovira
as Herself
Dani Rovira
as Himself - Interviewee
Lluís Roy
as Himself
Tinet Rubira
as Himself
Anna Rubirola
as Herself
Germán Ruiz
as Himself
Toni Rumbau
as Himself
Salman Rushdie
as Himself
John Rutter
as Himself
Elisabeth Sabala
as Herself
Xavier Sabata
as Himself
Diana Sans
as Herself
Bárbara Santa-Cruz
as Herself
Eider Sanz de la Maza
as Herself
Alfredo Sanzol
as Himself - Interviewee
Tom Savini
as Himself
Christina Scheppelmann
as Herself
Bea Segura
as Herself
Bruno Sellés
as Himself
as Himself - Interviewee
Pascal Sernet
as Himself
David Serra
as Himself
Fra Valentí Serra
as Himself
Joan Manuel Serrat
as Himself
Ramon Simó
as Himself
Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi
as Himself
Israel Solà
as Himself
Ricard Solé
as Himself
Mariel Soria
as Herself
Gavin Strange
as Himself
Marta Sureda
as Herself
Carles Taché
as Himself
as Herself - Interviewee
Enric Tierz
as Himself
Marc Timón
as Himself
Aleix Tobias
as Himself
Norbert Tomàs
as Himself
Raquel Tomàs
as Herself
Crisol Tuà
Ramon Térmens
as Himself - Interviewee
Mar Ulldemolins
as Herself
Clara Usón
as Herself
Lluïsa Valldaura
as Herself
Josep Valldeneu
as Himself
Eulàlia Valldosera
as Herself
Coia Valls
as Herself
Roger Varela
as Himself
Aina Vega
as Herself
Federico Veiroj
as Himself
Concha Velasco
as Herself
Montse Vellvehí
as Herself
Sílvia Ventosa
as Herself
Èric Vergés
as Himself
as Herself
as Himself - Interviewee
Albert Villaró
as Himself
Ernest Villegas
as Himself - Interviewee
Lorenzo Viotti
as Himself
Miquel Vivet
as Himself
Wim Wenders
as Himself - Interviewee
as Himself
Ricard Yago
as Himself
David Ymbernon
as Himself
Joana Zoyo
as Herself
Joan Miquel Àngel
as Himself
Iñaki Álvarez
as Himself
as Themselves
Berta Adell
as Herself
Francisco Aguilera
as Himself
Claudi Aguiló
as Himself
Juana de Aizpuru
as Herself
Pau Alabajos
as Himself
as Herself - Interviewee
Gerard Aledo
as Himself
Gerard Alegre
as Himself
Svetlana Alexievich
as Herself
Luis Aller
as Himself
Pere Almeda
as Himself
Ildefons Alonso
as Himself
Héctor Alterio
as Himself - Interviewee
Joan Amargós
as Himself
Montse Amat
as Herself
Víctor Amela
as Himself
Martina Ampuero
as Herself
Daniel Anglès
as Himself
Guillem Anguera
as Himself
Ramon Aragall
as Himself
Bernat Aragonés
as Himself
as Himself - Interviewee
Samuel Aranda
as Himself
Víctor Arbelo
as Himself
Emili Armengol
as Himself
Albert Aromir
as Himself
Alexis Auffray
as Himself
Gemma Avinyó
as Herself
Oriol de Balanzó
as Himself - Interviewee
Carlos Ballesteros
as Himself
Santi Balmes
as Himself
Carme Baqués
as Herself
Sara Baras
as Herself
Joel Bardolet
as Himself - Interviewee
Alessandro Baricco
as Himself - Interviewee
Isaac Baró
as Himself
Josep Bastons
as Himself
Jaume Baucis
as Himself
Pilarín Bayés
as Herself
Antonio Baños
as Himself
Carles Belda
as Himself
Jordi Beltran
as Himself
Nuria Benet
as Herself
Emmanuelle Bercot
as Herself - Interviewee
Roger Bernat
as Himself
Carles Berot
as Himself
Luis Bisbe
as Himself
Cris Blanco
as Herself
Alba Blasi
as Herself
Martí Boada
as Himself - Interviewee
Olga Boada
as Herself
Nil Bofill
as Himself
Albert Bolea
as Himself
Anna Borràs
as Herself
Oriol Borés
as Himself
Joan Lluís Bozzo
as Himself - Interviewee
Aziza Brahim
as Herself
Àlex Broch
as Himself
Salvador Brotons
as Herself
Rafa Burgos
as Himself
Francesc Burrull
as Himself
Blanca Busquets
as Herself
Llorenç Caballero
as Himself
Pau Cabruja
as Himself
María la Canija
as Herself
Jordi Cano
as Himself
Nacho Canut
as Himself - Interviewee
Carles Capdevila
as Himself
Xevi Capdevila
as Himself
Julià Carbonell
as Himself
Joaquim Carbó
as Himself
Xavi Cardona
as Himself
Juan Cardosa
as Herself
Pau Carrió
as Himself
Marc Cartanyà
as Himself
Quartet Casals
as Themselves
Anna Casanova
as Herself
Quim Casas
as Himself - Interviewee
Marcel Casellas
as Himself
Josep Cassir
as Himself
Annabel Castan
as Herself
David Castillo
as Himself
José Castro
as Himself
Joan Casulleras
as Himself
Clàudia Cedó
as Herself
Raül Chamorro
as Himself
Aritz Cirbián Casado
as Himself
Màrcia Cisteró
as Herself - Interviewee
David Climent
as Himself
Toni Cobretti
as Himself
Jordi Coca
as Himself
Ernesto Collado
as Himself
Mercè Comes
as Herself - Guest
Flavia Company
as Herself
Carles Congost
as Himself
Joaqim Corral
as Himself
Arsenio Corsellas
as Himself
Josep Costa
as Himself
Bernat Cot
as Himself
Mia Couto
as Himself
Alfred Crespo
as Himself
Nicolás Cristancho
as Himself
Ernest Crusats
as Himself
Carlos Cuevas
as Himself
Joan Cussà
as Himself
Antoine d'Agata
as Himself - Interviewee
Òscar Dalmau
as Himself - Interviewee
Chino Darín
as Himself - Interviewee
Joan Dausà
as Himself
Miquel de Palol
as Himself
Delphine de Vigan
as Herself - Interviewee
Sílvia Delagneau
as Herself
Denis Delestrac
as Himself
Gabino Diego
as Himself - Interviewee
Maguette Dieng
as Herself
Jair Dominguez
as Himself
Fernando Domínguez
as Himself - Interviewee
Xevi Dorca
as Himself
Meritxell Duró
as Herself
Carme Elias
as Herself - Interviewee
Maria Escalas
as Herself
Yeoshua Escobedo
as Himself
Marcel Escolano
as Himself
Xavier Escrihuela
as Himself
Marina Espasa
as Herself
Jesús Esperanza
as Himself
Josep Maria Espinàs
as Himself
Marta Esteban
as Herself
Joako Ezpeleta
as Himself
Pau Faus
as Himself
Núria Feliu
as Herself
Óscar Fernández Orengo
as Himself
Agustí Fernández
as Himself
Arias Fernández
as Himself
Arturo Fernández
as Himself - Interviewee
Eduard Fernández
as Himself - Interviewee
Miquel Fernández
as Himself - Interviewee
Àlex Fernández
as Himself
Xavier Ferrer
as Himself
Raquel Ferri
as Herself
José Antonio Fideu
as Himself
Martí Fontclara
as Himself
Montsant Fonts
as Himself
Manuel Forcano
as Himself
Albert Forns
as Himself
Josep Fornés
as Himself
Andrea Fraser
as Herself
Maria Rosa Fusté
as Herself - Interviewee
Susana Gamisel
as Herself
Marc Garcia-Ramis
as Himself
Paz Alicia Garciadiego
as Herself - Interviewee
Gael García Bernal
as Himself - Interviewee
Víctor García Tur
as Himself
Begoña García
as Herself
Narcís Garolera
as Himself
Pep Gatell
as Himself
Fragan Gehlker
as Himself
Nadia Ghulam Dastgir
as Herself
Pep Gimeno
as Himself
Rubén Gimeno
as Himself
Pere Gimferrer
as Himself
Quim Girón
as Himself
Guillem Gisbert
as Himself
Joan Gonzàlez
as Himself
Alexandra González
as Herself
Quique González
as Himself
Pep Gorgori
as Himself
Alfons Gorina
as Himself
Alícia Gorina
as Herself
Àlex Gorina
as Himself - Interviewee
Tomàs Grau
as Himself
Carles Guerra
as Himself
as Himself
Joan J. Guillén
as Himself
as Himself - Interviewee
Begoña Gómez Urzaiz
as Herself
Núria Güell
as Herself
Simon Halsey
as Himself - Interviewee
Anna Herebia
as Herself
Alain Hernández
as Himself - Interviewee
Yago Hortal
as Himself
Eduard Iniesta
as Himself
Nies Jaume
as Herself
Josep Maria Jaumà
as Himself
Alexandra Jiménez
as Herself - Interviewee
Jonas Jonasson
as Himself - Interviewee
Cyrus Kabiru
as Himself
Nakany Kante
as Herself
Alicia Kopf
as Herself
D.J. Kosmos
as Himself
as Herself
Anupama Kundoo
as Herself
Ghana Kwame
as Himself
Ivan Labanda
as Himself
as Herself
Iván Lagarto
as Himself
David Lagercrantz
as Himself
Láng Lang
as Himself
Òscar Lanuza
as Himself
Paul Laverty
as Himself - Interviewee
Aurélien Le Genissel
as Himself
Pierre Lemaitre
as Himself
Jordi León
as Himself
Lluís Llach
as Himself
Rubén Llorach
as Himself
Eduardo Lloveras
as Himself
Love of Lesbian
as Themselves
Antonio Luque
as Himself
Carolina López
as Herself
Lalo López
as Himself
Pol López
as Himself - Interviewee
Primogénito López
as Themselves
David Maestro
as Himself
Daniel Magallón
as Himself
Enric Majó
as Himself - Interviewee
Maika Makovski
as Herself
Jordi Manent
as Himself
Fabián Marcaccio
as Himself
Marta Marco
as Herself - Interviewee
Núria Marco
as Herself
Albert Margalef
as Himself
Arnau Marimon
as Himself
Júlia Mariscal
as Herself
Paula Mariscal
as Herself
Blanca Marsillach
as Herself - Interviewee
Ana San Martín
as Herself
Joan Antoni Martín Piñol
as Himself
as Himself
Jordi Martínez
as Himself - Interviewee
Laia Martínez
as Herself
Pere Martínez
as Himself
Rafa Martínez
as Himself
Virginia Marx
as Herself
Antoni Mas i Bou
as Himself
Ricard Mas
as Himself
Albert Massip
as Himself
Francesc Massip
as Himself
Martí Maymó
as Himself
Kike Maíllo
as Himself - Interviewee
Anthony McCall
as Himself
Mireia Mena
as Herself
Luna Miguel
as Herself
Jordi Milán
as Himself - Interviewee
Antoni Mir
as Himself
Antoni Miralda
as Himself
Txell Miras
as Herself
Pau Miró
as Himself
Lluís Miñarro
as Himself - Interviewee
as Herself
Empar Moliner
as Herself
Pablo Molinero
as Himself - Interviewee
Francesc Moll
as Himself
Charo Mora
as Herself
Fran Mora
as Himself
Sergio Mora
as Himself - Interviewee
María Muñoz
as Herself
Jordi Móra
as Himself
Xavier Múrcia
as Himself
Elisenda Nadal
as Herself - Interviewee
Mitsuru Nagata
as Himself
Xavi Navarro
as Himself
Joan Negrié
as Himself - Interviewee
Pia Nielsen
as Herself
Thomas Noone
as Himself - Interviewee
as Himself
as Herself
Jordi Obiols
as Himself
Carlota Olcina
as Herself - Interviewee
Jordi Oliveras
as Himself
Loris Omedes
as Himself
Carme Oriol
as Herself
as Herself
Dolors Oromí
as Herself
Kaissa Ould-Braham
as Herself
Roger Padilla
as Himself
Diana Padrón
as Herself
Mònica Pagès
as Herself
Rossy de Palma
as Herself - Interviewee
Salvador Palomar
as Himself
Anna Pantinat
as Herself
Josep Parés
as Himself
Oriol Pastor
as Himself
Anna Penalva
as Herself
Jairo Perera
as Himself
Toni Peret
as Himself
Jordi Pericot
as Himself
Elisabet Pertigas
as Herself
Marta Pessarodona
as Herself
Rafa Piera
as Himself
Anna Piferrer
as Herself
Gabriel Pinós
as Himself
Pi Piquer
as Herself
Laia Piró
as Herself
as Himself - Interviewee
as Himself - Interviewee
Jaume Pla
as Himself
Ricard Planes
as Himself
Mike Platinas
as Himself
Jaume Plensa
as Himself
Núria Poch
as Herself
Marzena Pogorzaly
as Herself
Joan Pons
as Himself
Mercè Pons
as Herself - Interviewee
Ventura Pons
as Himself - Interviewee
Pere Portabella
as Himself
Carme Portaceli
as Herself - Interviewee
Quimi Portet
as Himself
Pau Puig
as Himself
Katherine Pursey
as Herself
Terele Pávez
as Herself - Interviewee
Sílvia Pérez Cruz
as Herself - Interviewee
Vicent Pérez
as Himself - Interviewee
Aupa Quartet
as Themselves
Aram Rah
as Himself
Pep Ramis
as Himself
Alfons Reverté
as Himself
Oriol Riart
as Himself
Eulàlia Ribera
as Herself
Marc Riera
as Himself
Babeth Ripoll
as Herself
Arturo Ripstein
as Himself
Paco Roca
as Himself
Pau Roca
as Himself
David Rodríguez Beef
as Himself
Dimas Rodríguez
as Himself
Oriol Rodríguez
as Himself
Nico Roig
as Himself
Valentín Roma
as Himself - Interviewee
Xavi Roma
as Himself
Andrea Ros
as Herself - Interviewee
Borja Rosal
as Himself
Fèlix Rossy
as Himself
Xavier Roviró
as Himself
Javi Royo
as Himself
José Miguel Rozalén
as Himself
Jordi Rubio
as Himself
Octavi Ruiz
as Himself
Joan Sala
as Himself
Adrià Salas
as Himself
Martí Sales
as Himself
as Himself - Interviewee
Toni Sans
as Himself
Rocío Santa Cruz
as Herself
Mireia Sanz
as Herself
as Himself - Interviewee
Oriol Saña
as Himself
Edith Schaar
as Herself
Genís Segarra
as Himself
Roger Sempere Roig
as Himself
David Serrano
as Himself - Interviewee
Àlex Serrano
as Himself
Carla Serrat
as Herself
Miquel Serviole
as Himself
as Themselves
Hugo Silva
as Himself - Interviewee
Álvaro Sobrino
as Himself
Gemma Solana
as Herself - Interviewee
Llorenç Soldevila
as Himself
Ramon Solsona
as Himself
Albert Solé
as Himself
Estel Solé
as Herself
Joan Solé
as Himself
Sopa de Cabra
as Themselves
Carles Sora
as Himself - Interviewee
Whit Stillman
as Himself - Interviewee
Pedro Strukelj
as Himself
Andreu Subirats
as Himself
Carlota Subirós
as Herself
Ferran Sugranyes
as Himself
Berta Sumpsi
as Herself
Salvador Sunyer
as Himself
Miguelito Superstar
as Himself
Ramon Surinyac
as Himself
Peter Suschitzky
as Himself
Michael Swaney
as Himself
Myriam Swanson
as Herself
Juanjo Sáez
as Himself
Xoan Sánchez
as Himself
Rafa Tapounet
as Himself
as Himself
Bertrand Tavernier
as Himself - Interviewee
Joana Teixidor
as Herself - Interviewee
Miquel Tejada
as Himself
Àngel Tijerín
as Himself
Joan Todó
as Himself
Lluís Maria Todó
as Himself
Francesc Tomàs
as Himself
Arnau Tordera
as Himself
Toni Torres
as Himself
Serge Toubiana
as Himself
Vieux Farka Touré
as Himself
Fernando Trueba
as Himself
Júlia Truyol
as Herself
Roger Tudó
as Himself
Adriana Ugarte
as Herself - Interviewee
Isaac Ulam
as Himself
Toni Ulled Nadal
as Himself
as Himself
José Vaaliña
as Himself
Míriam Vall
as Herself
Arnau Vallvé
as Himself
Sergi Vallès
as Himself
Alba Ventura
as Herself
Feliu Ventura
as Himself
Antònia Vicens
as Herself
Xavier Vidal
as Himself
Martí Vilardebò
as Himself
Lluís Villanueva
as Himself
Juan Villoro
as Himself
Jordi Vintró
as Himself
Les Violiles
as Themselves
Toni Viñals
as Himself
Silvana Vogt
as Herself
Max von Sydow
as Himself - Interviewee
Aureli Vázquez
as Himself
Christopher Walken
as Himself - Interviewee
Nicolas Winding Refn
as Himself - Interviewee
Meritxell Yanes
as Herself
Claudio Zulian
as Himself
Quim Àvila
as Himself
Mathias Énard
as Himself
Mireia Òrrit
as Herself
Roser Aguilar
as Herself - Interviewee
Pedro Aguilera
as Himself - Interviewee
as Himself - Interviewee
Guillem Alonso
as Himself
Roberto G. Alonso
as Himself - Interviewee
Frederic Amat
as Himself - Interviewee
Javier Ambrossi
as Himself - Interviewee
Els Amics de les Arts
as Themselves
Òscar Andreu
as Himself - Interviewee
Marta Angelat
as Herself
as Themselves
Lluís Arcarazo
as Himself - Interviewee
Manel Armengol
as Himself - Interviewee
Eduardo Arranz Bravo
as Himself - Interviewee
David Bagés
as Himself - Interviewee
Claes Bang
as Himself - Interviewee
John Banville
as Himself - Interviewee
Júlia Barceló
as Herself - Interviewee
Anna Barrachina
as Herself - Interviewee
Xavier Baró
as Himself - Interviewee
as Himself
Monica Bellucci
as Herself - Interviewee
Ana Belén
as Herself - Interviewee
Ivan Benet
as Himself - Interviewee
Jordi Bertran
as Himself - Interviewee
Clara Bilbao
as Herself - Interviewee
Anna Biller
as Herself - Interviewee
Paula Blanco
as Herself - Interviewee
Jason Blum
as Himself - Interviewee
Xavier Bobés
as Himself - Interviewee
Bertrand Bonello
as Himself - Interviewee
Maria del Mar Bonet
as Herself - Interviewee
as Herself - Interviewee
Marcel Borràs
as Himself - Interviewee
Danny Boyle
as Himself - Interviewee
Chester Brown
as Himself - Interviewee
Valeria Bruni Tedeschi
as Herself - Interviewee
Lluís Bòria
as Himself - Interviewee
Maria Cabrera
as Herself - Interviewee
Javier Calvo
as Himself - Interviewee
Lluís Calvo
as Himself - Interviewee
Paco Camarasa
as Himself
Míriam Cano
as Herself - Interviewee
Olga Capdevila
as Herself
Rosa Cardona
as Herself - Interviewee
Apel·les Carod
as Himself - Interviewee
Juanma Carrillo
as Himself - Interviewee
Francesc Casadesús
as Himself - Interviewee
Sergio Castellitto
as Himself - Interviewee
Montse Castellà
as Herself
Javier Cercas
as Himself - Interviewee
Luis Cerveró
as Himself
Carles Chacón
as Himself - Interviewee
Roger Coma
as Himself - Interviewee
Sílvia Comes
as Herself
Coco Comín
as Herself
Allison Cook
as Herself - Interviewee
Joaquín Cortés
as Himself - Interviewee
Pep Cruz
as Himself - Interviewee
Mery Cuesta
as Herself - Interviewee
as Himself - Interviewee
Luc Dardenne
as Himself - Interviewee
Sílvia Dauder
as Herself
Juan de la Rubia
as Himself - Interviewee
Maria de Medeiros
as Herself - Interviewee
Miquel Desclot
as Himself
Alexandre Desplat
as Himself - Interviewee
Georges Didi-Huberman
as Himself - Interviewee
Bruno Dumont
as Himself - Interviewee
Coréon Dú
as Himself - Interviewee
Jean Echenoz
as Himself - Interviewee
Víctor Erice
as Himself - Interviewee
Jakob M. Erwa
as Himself - Interviewee
Amat Escalante
as Himself - Interviewee
Helena Escobar
as Herself - Interviewee
Maria Espeus
as Herself - Interviewee
Joan Esteve
as Himself - Interviewee
Belén Fabra
as Herself - Interviewee
Bibiana Fernández
as Herself - Interviewee
Alba Florejachs
as Herself - Interviewee
Dolores Fonzi
as Herself - Interviewee
Cesk Freixas
as Himself - Interviewee
Kôji Fukada
as Himself - Interviewee
as Himself - Interviewee
Fleur Geffrier
as Herself - Interviewee
Meritxell Gené
as Herself
Regina Giménez
as Herself - Interviewee
Tony Grisoni
as Himself - Interviewee
Alain Guiraudie
as Himself - Interviewee
Julia Gutiérrez Caba
as Herself - Interviewee
Bad Gyal
as Herself - Interviewee
Jake Gyllenhaal
as Himself - Interviewee
Gil-Manuel Hernández
as Himself - Interviewee
Maria Herreros
as Herself
Isabelle Huppert
as Herself - Interviewee
as Herself - Interviewee
Oliver Jeffers
as Himself - Interviewee
Mathieu Kassovitz
as Himself - Interviewee
Naomi Kawase
as Herself - Interviewee
Violeta Kovacsics
as Herself
Bartosz M. Kowalski
as Himself - Interviewee
Diane Kruger
as Herself - Interviewee
Jordi Lara
as Himself
Sharon Lavi
as Herself
Antoine Leonetti
as Himself - Interviewee
Simona Levi
as Herself - Interviewee
Vicky Luengo
as Herself - Interviewee
Krystian Lupa
as Himself
Carmen Machi
as Herself - Interviewee
Jaume Martí
as Himself - Interviewee
Ignacio Martínez de Pisón
as Himself - Interviewee
Gabi Martínez
as Himself - Interviewee
Gemma Martínez
as Herself - Interviewee
Jaden Michael
as Himself - Interviewee
Chris Miera
as Himself - Interviewee
Alguer Miquel
as Himself - Interviewee
Fernando Mir
as Himself - Interviewee
Joan Francesc Mira
as Himself - Interviewee
as Themselves
Santiago Mitre
as Himself - Interviewee
Dominic Monaghan
as Himself - Interviewee
Núria Montes
as Herself - Interviewee
Dani Moreno
as Himself
Elisabeth Moss
as Herself - Interviewee
Andrea Motis
as Herself - Interviewee
Paco Muñoz
as Himself - Interviewee
Elvira Mínguez
as Herself - Interviewee
Ivette Nadal
as Herself
Han Nefkens
as Himself - Interviewee
Pierre Niney
as Himself - Interviewee
Antonello Novellino
as Himself
William Oldroyd
as Himself - Interviewee
Àlex Ollé
as Himself - Interviewee
Sílvia Omedes
as Herself - Interviewee
Carola Ortiz
as Herself - Interviewee
Gerard Pantaleó
as Himself - Interviewee
as Himself - Interviewee
Martin Parr
as Himself - Interviewee
Marc Pastor
as Himself - Interviewee
Paco Pellicer
as Himself - Interviewee
Jesús Peris
as Himself - Interviewee
Piero Pesce
as Himself - Interviewee
Clara Peya
as Herself
Carme Pla
as Herself - Interviewee
Esteve Plantada
as Himself - Interviewee
Núria Prims
as Herself - Interviewee
Xavi Puebla
as Himself
Florence Pugh
as Herself - Interviewee
Miqui Puig
as Himself - Interviewee
Laura Pérez Vernetti
as Herself
Marta Pérez
as Herself - Interviewee
Nely Reguera
as Herself - Interviewee
as Himself - Interviewee
Pepe Ribas
as Himself - Interviewee
Mima Riera
as Herself - Interviewee
Erica Rivas
as Herself - Interviewee
Pedro Rivero
as Himself - Interviewee
Àgata Roca
as Herself - Interviewee
Marc Rodríguez
as Himself - Interviewee
Guillem Roma
as Himself - Interviewee
as Herself - Interviewee
Santi de la Rubia
as Himself - Interviewee
Víctor Ruiz-Colomer
as Himself - Interviewee
José Sacristán
as Himself - Interviewee
Jérôme Salle
as Himself - Interviewee
Joan Sallent
as Himself
Mercedes Sampietro
as Herself - Interviewee
as Herself - Interviewee
Joan Sanmartí
as Himself - Interviewee
Joana Santamans
as Herself
Millicent Simmonds
as Herself - Interviewee
as Herself - Interviewee
Teresa Solana
as Herself - Interviewee
Ksenia Solo
as Herself - Interviewee
Kristen Stewart
as Herself - Interviewee
Tilda Swinton
as Herself - Interviewee
Alba Sàez
as Herself - Interviewee
Carles Torrens
as Himself - Interviewee
Toni Torrents
as Himself
Montse Trias
as Herself - Interviewee
Jasmine Trinca
as Herself - Interviewee
Marine Vacth
as Herself - Interviewee
Tina Vallès
as Herself - Interviewee
David Vann
as Himself
Paul Verhoeven
as Himself - Interviewee
Josep Viana
as Himself - Interviewee
Nacho Vigalondo
as Himself - Interviewee
Oriol Vilanova
as Himself - Interviewee
Emma Vilarasau
as Herself - Interviewee
as Himself - Interviewee
Carla Viñals
as Herself - Interviewee
Alberto Vázquez
as Himself - Interviewee
Ngugi Wa Thiong'o
as Himself - Interviewee
Laura Weissmahr
as Herself - Interviewee
Lambert Wilson
as Himself - Interviewee
Xisi Sofia Ye Chen
as Herself - Interviewee
as Himself
Lali Álvarez
as Herself
Data di rilascio
25 May 2015
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